Penrhyndeudraeth Estuary Walk

Penrhyndeudraeth Estuary Walk

One of the best walks to do without leaving the village is to go down to the estuary, which is surprisingly close.

  1. Turn left out of the front door and head down hill.
  2. Take the first left next to the green cottage.
  3. At the bottom of the lane, turn right – this will bring you out by the car park on the High Street.
  4. Turn left at the car park and continue down the High Street.
  5. Turn right at the main road and cross at the pedestrian crossing. Continue past the church and take the turning on the left between the church and the surgery.
  6. After about 200yds after the big white house, turn right down a gravel track.
  7. You’ll cross the (Network Rail) railway line and you’ll find yourself among salt marshes, and at low tide you can enjoy the quiet little “beaches” along the estuary. Beware of incoming tides!!
  8. On the way back, after you cross the railway line, cross over the road and continue straight on up the lane, and you’ll come out by the Griffin pub.